Multiple sclerosis is one of the most feared chronic and degenerative diseases of the nervous system. The symptoms of this disease are varied and they can include the weakening of extremities, blurry vision, a progressive deterioration of speech, movement and other basic functions. Multiple sclerosis involves the destruction of the layer of myelin which is made with lipids; these substances are very sensitive to the damage caused by oxidation. It has been proven that the strengthening of the immune system can help to reduce the damage caused by oxidative stress, and the main defenses of the organism against the oxidative stress are constituted by the super-oxide dismutase and the glutathione. Therefore, multiple sclerosis and glutathione are closely related.
Oxidative Stress Feeding MS Progression
In the University of Chicago it has been found that the evolution of multiple sclerosis directly corresponds to the increment of levels of oxidative stress. Investigators have also found that multiple sclerosis affects different parts of the organism destroying the myelin which is a layer of fat that isolates nervous fibers just like a plastic layer isolates electric wires. This destruction leads to the production of plaques on tissue which produces a short circuit of the electric signals that pass through these fibers. Investigations developed in relation with the process describe how the macrophages (immune system cells which are in charge of protecting the organism) during the process of demyelination release powerful chemical elements over the myelin which in turn trigger very high levels of oxidative stress.
With such a hypothesis, experts conclude that it is possible to help patients affected by multiple sclerosis by means of balancing the functions of the immune system or by means of reducing the effects produced by the oxidative stress. At this point it is included as a complementary therapy, the increment of the levels of glutathione by means of providing the patient a nutritional supplement based on precursors of the glutathione such as the bioactive cysteine.
Multiple Sclerosis and Glutathione
Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant which helps the performance of the immune system, to the metabolism of nutrients and plays an important role in many other basic functions. It can be found in high concentrations in many foods such as asparagus, grapefruit, avocados, acorns, watermelon, pumpkin, potatoes, tomatoes, squash, oranges, okra, strawberries, spinach, melons, zucchini, peaches and walnuts.
A precursor of the glutathione is known as cyano hydroxybutane and it can be found on many vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. It is very important to increment the levels of glutathione especially in the case of a person affected by multiple sclerosis since it has been proven that incrementing the levels of glutathione produces a protection of the myelin of the nervous fibers.
Many studies which have compared the levels of protective enzymes such as glutathione on healthy people with the levels presented by people affected by multiple sclerosis have revealed that the last group present very low levels of glutathione.
In the University of North Carolina, after examining the abnormal tissue on the cases of multiple sclerosis the investigators reached the conclusion that the oxidative process is triggered by the cytokines which produce a great number of free radicals.
More About Glutathione and Multiple Sclerosis
Simply Put
Anyone suffering from multiple sclerosis should be supplementing glutathione to minimize damage and help repair damaged cells. It is also important to supplement to prevent afflictions from developing in the first place.