L-Glutamine Immune System Benefits

Glutamine is an amino acid, one of the components of your immune system. Supplementing glutamine levels offers a boost in immune function and muscle recovery. Glutamine is made by our bodies, but when our immune system is fighting illness or injury levels drop and we are more vulnerable.

L-Glutamine is made primarily in muscle tissue, the lungs and other organs also produce the amino acid but in much lower quantities. While it is believed the liver plays a key role in the production of this immune component, it is more of a regulator than a producer. Regulating levels of glutamine in your blood and drawing from the stores in your tissue, only capable of producing small amounts of this antioxidant.

Glutamine immune system boosting ability is centered around glutathione production and cell integrity.


What Glutamine Does

Glutamine removes waste products caused by the metabolism of proteins in your blood and tissues, the main component in ensuring pain free and quick muscle recovery. Glutamine also helps with gut digestion and brain activity. Because L-glutamine removes harmful waste products like free radicals, constantly produced by our cells when metabolising energy, it is extremely important to maintain healthy levels of this amino acid. When free radicals are left to roam in our bloodstream, cells suffer damage and oxidation all around or bodies, leaving every organ and system at risk of severe damage.


Glutamine supports immune cell division, of the utmost importance when we are sick or our immune system is compromised. Supporting cells like lymphocytes, macrophages and neutrophils, these cells will fight off bacteria and infection by enveloping the problem cells and digesting them. Ridding the body of these cells is our number one defence against prolonged infection, or the development of more serious problems.


Stress and Immune Function

When suffering from prolonged or severe stress the cortisol levels in the blood increase. Cortisol levels will lower your L-Glutamine levels, leaving you vulnerable and your immune system compromised. Stress leads to the development of many disorders and allows existing problems to flourish. Cortisol is the most prevalent reason why stress is so harmful to us, compromising our immune systems ability to work effectively, leading to poor health or decreased energy and often times further stress.


L-Glutamine Sources

Glutamine is found primarily in animal proteins and byproducts, it is found in lower quantities in some plant based proteins as well. The most effective way to increase your glutamine levels is to supplement it orally with a pill or capsule. Available from most pharmacies, this supplement is important to take regularly to maintain a strong immune system and minimize damage caused by free radicals often in surplus after an intense workout or muscle strain.


L-Glutamine and Glutathione

While L-Glutamine is very useful on its own, it is one of the three precursors for glutathione production in our body. Glutathione is the mother of all antioxidants, responsible for cell repair and protection across all our bodies cells. Supporting our liver and its ability to repair itself after damage has incurred, it is the number one component in immune function.


If orally supplementing Acetyl-L-Glutathione it is not essential to supplement L-Glutamine as well, while glutamine is a precursor to glutathione, similar substances like N-Acetyl L-Cysteine are much more effective in the synthesis of glutathione endogenously. Because Glutathione performs roles similar to glutamine, supplementing both may not be effective or necessary.


Glutamine Glutathione and your Immune System

Supplementing you L-Glutamine levels is a great way to repair damage done to your muscle tissue and prevent cell damage caused by the free radical production. While it is already a very popular supplement among the bodybuilding and athletic world, glutamine plays a key role in our immune systems ability to function and our ability to produce glutathione, making it a pivotal piece in everyones health routine.

We recommend working closely with your doctor when supplementing glutamine, especially if you suffer from liver or kidney problems. While we don’t believe it is a dangerous supplement by any means, we always encourage you work with your healthcare professional to monitor your health and provide blood work to mark results.

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