Understanding Hyperinsulinemia

[box]Put plainly Hyperinsulinemia means that the amount of insulin in the blood is far higher than what is considered normal. It is not Diabetes but it is often associated with type 2 Diabetes.[/box]

What Is Hyperinsulinemia

Hyperinsulinemia is often caused by insulin resistance. It can also be caused by a tumor affecting the pancreas or something called nesidioblastosis, meaning the pancreas has an excess of insulin producing cells. 1

Insulin is required by our body to regulate blood sugars, the pancreas is responsible for producing the necessary amount of insulin at any given time. Someone suffering from Hyperinsulinemia has trouble controlling blood sugar levels, requiring immense amounts of insulin to be produced in order to maintain a normal blood sugar level.

Insulin resistance can often lead to the development of type 2 Diabetes because the pancreas cannot keep up with the huge amounts of insulin required to regulate blood sugar levels.

Hidden Dangers Of This Under-Diagnosed Condition

Hyperinsulinemia has no symptoms or signs unless it causes hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. This makes it a very worrying condition that is most definitely affecting many more people than are being diagnosed. Leading to the development of type 2 Diabetes, causing severe imbalances in insulin and blood sugar levels which can also have significant health repercussions on every bodily system.

Hyperinsulinemia is associated with Metabolic Syndrome, conditions such as hypertension, obesity, glucose intolerance and dyslipidemia can all be a result of Hyperinsulinemia.

It is not fully understood whether Hyperinsulinemia causes obesity or obesity is the cause of Hyperinsulinemia, or perhaps both. Obesity causes an excess of adipose tissue, which is known to secrete various cytokines, hormones and metabolites that may contribute to Hyperinsulinemia. Cytokines specifically directly affect insulin secretion. Meaning overweight individuals with a large amount of this adipose tissue are prone to produce far higher levels of insulin.

Potential Symptoms of Hyperinsulinemia

While Hyperinsulinemia itself doesn’t have any signs, when hypoglycemia is present it can cause a variety of symptoms.


Symptoms of Hypoglycemia associated with Hyperinsulinemia

  • Thirst

  • Trembling

  • Trouble Concentrating

  • Headaches

  • Blurred or Double Vision

  • Fatigue

  • Brain Fog

  • Temporary Muscle Weakness

If you experience any of these symptoms you should visit your doctor immediately, blood testing may be required. 2[/box]

Hyperinsulinemia Treatments

Treatment of Hyperinsulinemia is quite similar to the treatment of type 2 Diabetes. Physical activity is exceptionally beneficial, even a 20 minute walk each day can have remarkable benefits. A healthy diet is also a must, cutting back sugars entirely, sticking to slow release carbs rather than highly processed grains.

Some supplements and antioxidants can have very promising effects for those suffering from Hyperinsulinemia. Omega-3 Fish Oils, Chromium, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Acetyl Glutathione are a few of the must have supplements in order to optimize cellular health and immune function. Helping your body process sugars and flush toxins from the body effectively.

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